Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Project 3: Design Development

Design Development

Taking from the article, I wanted to create a concept of an underground architecture. The idea initially came from merging from Architecture and Computational design faculty have in common and that is creativity. Creativity comes from inspiration of the influenced of the surroundings and the connection between your mind and nature. We look up at the sky when we think, but we never really looked down. I believe creativity should derive from all aspect of your surroundings, thus creating an underground based on the concept of Earth, to really explore what it is like when Earth is opened up.

Studying the Earth structure and its movement


Brainstorming the architecture of Earth

Final Design Sketch

Floor Plan with UNSW

The Faculty needs to bridge to the square house as the starting path. I chose this site due to the open space and its flexibility to travel. Due to the site being a "design" faculty, when driving pass on Anzac Parade, people are able to sto (during traffic) and see through the exhibition (in the mountain top design). The site also bridge to NIDA to make it convenient for students to collaborate with the drama department .

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